Swiss Bike Park

Regent Lighting illuminates the Swiss Bike Park

The Swiss Bike Park was opened in 2019 with the aim of making Switzerland a little better thanks to the bicycle. The park is freely accessible to everyone and open to top athletes, amateur athletes, children and people with disabilities. In 2023, they reached an important milestone with the foundation: they were able to open their clubhouse. Visitors can now not only train outside in the park, but also have the opportunity to eat, retreat and hold seminars inside. Even in bad weather, there is now a place to linger. Thanks to the completion of the resort, the space offers plenty of room for new innovations.

The Swiss Bike Park aims to offer visitors to the resort a feel-good experience. We share this goal, because our mission is to expand and enrich working and living spaces. The Swiss Bike Park is the perfect platform to present innovative lighting applications and serves as an exemplary living showroom.

We firmly believe that the partnership has a great future. Ultimately, we are both concerned with sustainability.

In cooperation with


Lighting concepts in the Swiss Bike Park

The Swiss Bike Park is geared towards the needs of competitive sports as well as sports and leisure tourism. As a destination for everyone, its target groups include not only bikers, but also children and young people, senior citizens, companies, groups, schools, competitive athletes and people with special needs. Nobody is too old or too young for it. Neither to learn something new, nor to experience the park and its diversity.