Flexible room solutions require flexible, customised lighting concepts

New Work is concerned with the design of modern working conditions and methods. The aim is to organise work in such a way that it is meaningful, flexible and future-oriented. This includes the use of new technologies, the promotion of self-determination and creativity as well as the creation of flexible new working environments that enable agile, so-called activity-based working. 

This also has an impact on the demands placed on the office. More and more companies are recognising the need to create a working environment that supports contemporary forms of work and puts employees at the centre. Office furniture is changing, becoming more versatile, desks are becoming smaller and easier to move. Rooms can be changed easily and flexibly in terms of how they are used. 

New Work has also helped hybrid forms of work achieve a breakthrough. In addition to working in the office, this also makes it possible to work in alternative locations such as home offices or co-working spaces. 

Overall, new working environments enable greater mobility, flexibility and individuality. The office is no longer just a place where you work, but also a place where you feel comfortable and inspired. As a result, employees are more productive and satisfied, which in turn leads to better results. 

What role does lighting play in the design of new working environments?

Lighting also plays a very important role in the implementation of new office and working environments, as it has a major influence on the well-being and performance of employees. Good lighting can help to improve concentration, reduce fatigue and improve mood. 

In new working environments, too, lighting should ideally combine natural light and artificial lighting. Artificial lighting should be tailored to the different areas of the office and provide pleasant, glare-free and uniform illumination. 

One way to improve lighting in offices is to use smart lighting systems. Using appropriate sensor technology, the luminaires can recognise the presence of people and automatically adjust the illuminance to the ambient lighting conditions. This can save energy costs and create a pleasant working atmosphere at the same time. 

Office lighting: the perfect lighting conditions

The normative requirements for lighting solutions must also be observed when furnishing workstations in newly designed office spaces.  The right lighting supports people's performance and makes them feel more alert and comfortable. Irrespective of normative requirements, however, optimum workplace lighting depends on the individual employee. For example, older people or people who wear glasses may appreciate a little more brightness. Individually dimmable lights for each workstation are therefore recommended.
Luminaires that are variable in colour temperature or can even reproduce the natural course of daylight can also have a positive effect on well-being.Overall, lighting in new working environments should therefore be considered as part of a holistic concept that takes into account both the well-being and work performance of employees

Zones instead of closed rooms

A common floor plan for activity-based working is a multi-space concept. This is characterised by its flexibility and contains different work areas that meet the different working styles and needs of employees. These include open-plan work areas, meeting rooms, collaboration areas, retreats for concentrated work and communal areas. 
With the right lighting solutions, the work areas and zones can be put in the right light. 

The floor plan should encourage collaboration. This means that there should be sufficient space for meeting rooms and collaboration areas equipped with modern technologies and tools to enable effective collaboration. It should also meet ergonomic requirements and provide a healthy working environment. This includes good lighting, ergonomic office furniture and sufficient space for movement and relaxation.  
Aesthetics also play an important role. A pleasant colour scheme, the use of natural materials and plants as well as good ventilation and air quality create a positive atmosphere.

Quiet zones for concentrated work

Highly concentrated tasks require rooms where employees can withdraw alone. Enclosed work areas with suitable soundproofing are ideal here, where people can sit comfortably for long periods of time. Enclosed booths that can be set up freely in the room or screened-off areas that can also serve as a design element are becoming increasingly common. 

Individually adjustable lights such as the JOKER table lamp, which can be infinitely dimmed and variably adjusted in terms of colour temperature, provide the right lighting. Cooler colour temperatures with higher illuminance help to maintain focus. Need to relax after a successful day? Simply dim down and ring in the evening with relaxed warm white light. 

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(Hybrid) cooperation

Important areas in new working environments are used for collaboration, either completely face-to-face or hybrid with participants who are connected online. Glare-free, homogeneous illumination is ideal here. This can be easily achieved with the STREAM and BEAM uplights from Regent. The light reflected from the ceiling or an acoustic panel provides uniform illumination and therefore harmonises perfectly with the use of a camera in video conferences. Flexibility is particularly important in connection with such collaboration zones. The setup can be easily adapted to the size of the group and the tools required, such as high tables, flipcharts or monitors. The mobile lights from Regent can simply be taken along and placed in the desired location. Plug in and get started!

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Exchange and encounter

The office is becoming increasingly important as a meeting place. Informal, non-work-related dialogue is also important to strengthen team cohesion and a sense of togetherness. Contemporary room concepts support this with suitable zones such as chatting corners, coffee niches or cosy areas with sofas or wing chairs. Here, the lighting can also be dimmed slightly to contribute to the cosy ambience.


So-called co-creation spaces enable creative and agile working with the aim of developing new concepts, solutions or products. These can be room-in-room solutions with unusual cubicles or spaces with movable furniture, writable walls and a good technological infrastructure. This also includes the right lighting. The plug-in luminaires from Regent make all this uncomplicated. Together with the furniture, they can be repositioned again and again and unobtrusively support the creative process.

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The home office will remain and take its place in hybrid forms of work. In the future, ergonomic and standardisation requirements will also be increasingly implemented. This includes not only ergonomic furniture, but also appropriate lighting. As a supplement to the basic lighting, the JOKER table lamp provides the best light at the desk at home without glare or multiple shadows. Anyone who works in different places in the home will appreciate the flexible use of the BEAM uplight. The STREAM can also be used for larger rooms.

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Ergonomic work zones

Even in the age of New Work, the classic office desk is not completely disappearing from the scene. Employees need work zones with height-adjustable desks and ergonomic seating within the open-plan space. This allows for uncomplicated dialogue between colleagues, while employees can just as easily devote themselves to individual work. This is supported by individual lighting, which can be controlled separately for each workstation according to the respective requirements. The LIGHTPAD free-standing luminaire provides perfect light with its double asymmetrical light distribution. Up to four workstations can be illuminated with the BEAM uplight. The indirect light provides pleasantly homogeneous light, which can be perfectly complemented by the individual JOKER table lamp. This leaves nothing to be desired.

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Smart solutions with MyData Analysis

With MyData Analysis, we use the luminaire infrastructure as a data source: our smart building system offers new possibilities for building management and helps to optimise the use of space and operating costs in your company. The data is collected directly via sensors integrated into the luminaires and analysed using an application. You can use this valuable information to optimise processes and achieve long-term time and cost savings. The features at a glance:

My Analytics

Valuable building parameters on a personalised dashboard serve as a basis for decisions on the optimisation, expansion or reduction of your company space. 

  • Occupancy data per building, floor and room 

  • Analysis and optimisation of room utilisation 

  • Analysis and optimisation of cleaning requirements 

  • Number of people in certain zones (e.g. conference rooms, canteen) 

  • Indoor climate data (temperature, air quality, relative humidity, noise level, brightness)

Find My Place

Employees can find an available workplace quickly and conveniently using the app. 

  • Live overview of occupied, free and reserved workstations per building and floor for mobile and desktop devices and signage screens 

  • Save time when looking for a seat 

  • Increase the well-being of your employees 

Smart Cleaning

The lights show the cleaning staff which workstations need to be cleaned.
•    Enables cleaning staff to be scheduled as required
•    Reduction in cleaning costs from day 1
•    Intuitive guidance of cleaning personnel through direct control of the lights and signalling of the workstations to be cleaned ("cleaning scene")

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